Raise your own digital pet amoebas, starting from baby tadpoles up to full-size adults! Teach your amoebas how to play the piano, make paintings, draw, talk on the phone, toilet train them, and more, or just watch them as they explore, grow, and learn!
Keep your amoebas occupied so they don't go hungry, stressed, bored, or sad. You can even play games with them! Every day you will earn free coins to put towards buying toys, clothes, and food for your amoebas.
Once your amoebas reach maturity you can buy an egg nest so your amoebas can lay an egg to hatch a new baby amoeba!
Also play exciting mini games featuring the characters that your amoebas interact with!
Some example toys include:
● A toilet for your amoebas to use, but you must toilet train them first!
● A microscope with a microbe colony, so you and your amoebas can raise your own microbes!
● An aquarium with fish (plus babies).
● A boombox so your amoebas can dance.
● A piano that your amoebas will improve at over time.
● A drawing book for your amoebas to paint in. You can also draw along with your amoebas and save the paintings for later.
● A TV, featuring Oliver the guinea pig, for your amoebas to watch.
● A tic-tac-toe game to play against your amoebas, or watch them play against each other!
● An Amoebatron amusement ride for your amoebas to ride.
● And a lot more!
Or play the mini games to watch yourself rise in the leaderboards and earn coins:
● Flip the Bobble: Launch the bobble head as high as you can!
● Stupid Fish: Stop the fish from falling off the platform!
● Alien Organizer: Help Hans the alien organize his collection of circles!
● Insect Squasher: Squash the insects!
● Telezorker: Teleport snails, fish, and objects to safety!
Follow us to get news and updates:
If you find any bugs, please report them to support@cryofrog.com
Naikkan amoebas peliharaan digital Anda sendiri, mulai dari berudu bayi hingga dewasa ukuran penuh! Ajarkan amoebas Anda cara bermain piano, membuat lukisan, menggambar, berbicara di telepon, toilet melatih mereka, dan banyak lagi, atau hanya menonton mereka ketika mereka menjelajahi, tumbuh, dan belajar!
Jauhkan amuba Anda agar mereka tidak kelaparan, stres, bosan, atau sedih. Anda bahkan dapat bermain game dengan mereka! Setiap hari Anda akan mendapatkan koin gratis untuk membeli mainan, pakaian, dan makanan untuk amuba Anda.
Setelah amuba Anda mencapai kedewasaan Anda dapat membeli sarang telur sehingga amuba Anda dapat meletakkan telur untuk menetas bayi amuba baru!
Juga mainkan mini games seru yang menampilkan karakter yang berinteraksi dengan amoebas Anda!
Beberapa contoh mainan termasuk:
● Toilet untuk amuba Anda digunakan, tetapi Anda harus melatihnya terlebih dahulu!
● Mikroskop dengan koloni mikroba, jadi Anda dan amuba Anda dapat meningkatkan mikroba Anda sendiri!
● Akuarium dengan ikan (plus bayi).
● Boombox sehingga amuba Anda bisa menari.
● Piano yang akan diperbaiki amoeba Anda dari waktu ke waktu.
● Sebuah buku gambar untuk amuba Anda untuk melukis. Anda juga bisa menggambar bersama amuba Anda dan menyimpan lukisan untuk nanti.
● Sebuah TV, yang menampilkan Oliver marmot, untuk amoebas Anda untuk menonton.
● Game tic-tac-toe untuk bermain melawan amoebas Anda, atau menonton mereka bermain melawan satu sama lain!
● Perjalanan amoebatron untuk amuba Anda untuk dikendarai.
● Dan masih banyak lagi!
Atau mainkan game mini untuk menonton diri Anda naik di papan peringkat dan dapatkan koin:
● Balik Bobble: Luncurkan kepala berbandul setinggi mungkin!
● Ikan Bodoh: Hentikan ikan jatuh dari platform!
● Alien Organizer: Bantu Hans alien mengatur koleksi lingkarannya!
● Insect Squasher: Seras serangga!
● Telezorker: Teleport keong, ikan, dan benda-benda ke tempat aman!
Ikuti kami untuk mendapatkan berita dan pembaruan:
Jika Anda menemukan bug, tolong laporkan ke support@cryofrog.com
Raise your own digital pet amoebas, starting from baby tadpoles up to full-size adults! Teach your amoebas how to play the piano, make paintings, draw, talk on the phone, toilet train them, and more, or just watch them as they explore, grow, and learn!
Keep your amoebas occupied so they don't go hungry, stressed, bored, or sad. You can even play games with them! Every day you will earn free coins to put towards buying toys, clothes, and food for your amoebas.
Once your amoebas reach maturity you can buy an egg nest so your amoebas can lay an egg to hatch a new baby amoeba!
Also play exciting mini games featuring the characters that your amoebas interact with!
Some example toys include:
● A toilet for your amoebas to use, but you must toilet train them first!
● A microscope with a microbe colony, so you and your amoebas can raise your own microbes!
● An aquarium with fish (plus babies).
● A boombox so your amoebas can dance.
● A piano that your amoebas will improve at over time.
● A drawing book for your amoebas to paint in. You can also draw along with your amoebas and save the paintings for later.
● A TV, featuring Oliver the guinea pig, for your amoebas to watch.
● A tic-tac-toe game to play against your amoebas, or watch them play against each other!
● An Amoebatron amusement ride for your amoebas to ride.
● And a lot more!
Or play the mini games to watch yourself rise in the leaderboards and earn coins:
● Flip the Bobble: Launch the bobble head as high as you can!
● Stupid Fish: Stop the fish from falling off the platform!
● Alien Organizer: Help Hans the alien organize his collection of circles!
● Insect Squasher: Squash the insects!
● Telezorker: Teleport snails, fish, and objects to safety!
Follow us to get news and updates:
If you find any bugs, please report them to support@cryofrog.com